EALS Global

Developing Early Warning Systems and other programs for Natural Disasters.

The Climate Crisis is creating more frequent and severe disasters. We are developing systems to protect the most vulnerable in their path

Our mission is to develop and implement Early Warning Systems and response mechanisms for disasters affecting the world’s most vulnerable. We develop the technology and then work directly with the communities to implement them.

Changing the world through technology

The EALS Mobile Application provides Early Warning notifications and alerts to people living in areas underserved by such systems. Development continues, but the application will use data from a variety of sources—crowdsourcing, satellite imagery, weather station data, and online streams from various entities measuring conditions on the ground. Upon its full implementation, it will help predict and alert people of flooding, wildfires, and landslides, and will also provide emergency responders and relief organizations with valuable, real-time data to coordinate swift and accurate responses to disasters.

Music Credit: www.fiftysounds.com “In This Place” and “Only the Braves”

EALS Global technology partnerships

EALS Global is working with Softwarica College in Kathmandu, Nepal, to develop specific applications with the goal of creating a nationwide Early Warning System and data collection regime in Nepal. Softwarica’s team includes both veteran and student programmers.

EALS Global supporting small businesses and other organizations

EALS Global is partnering with small businesses in developing countries, as well as non-profit and charitable organizations. We are using our platform to provide a global market for a variety of items. Click on individual items to see what your purchase will support.

There are millions of people living in potential strike zones of increasingly severe natural disasters. It takes a globe to save a village. Whether you’re a researcher, a technology enthusiast, a donor, or a creative thinker, your contribution is invaluable.

You can help!

“EALS started with an idea among a few friends who lived through a lot of chaos over their lives and careers. With a little bit of experimenting, and a lot of networking, the idea became a plan, the plan became a project, the project became a passion.”

— Robert Vanwey, founder of EALS Global

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